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Ever got tired off spending more and more money for hair oils to acquire healthy and lustrous hair? Are you searching for easy DIY hair oil recipes? Then you have visited the right place. A healthy diet & lifestyle can nourish your hair internally. But at the same time, a healthy hair oil is also necessary to nourish your hair externally.

In olden days, whenever our ancestors met with hair fall issues, they used to look at the mother nature for a solution, because they know that nature is kind & magical. They used the natural ingredients which are available around them to prepare their own hair oil for combating hair fall issues. Cheap & best right!

Back in the days when I have suffered from severe hair fall issues, I identified that the reason for my hair fall is hormonal imbalance. Ever since I noticed the root cause, I focused on a healthy lifestyle with strict diet plan which has helped me to overcome the imbalance internally and I have combined this hair oil along with my diet to get my bouncy hair back.

Now you can prepare that best hair oil by yourself. Here are the 4 simple steps to prepare zero budget hair oil at home with your kitchen and garden elements which will give you the hair of your dreams.

In this blog you are going to learn,

  • Preparation of hair oil at home.

  • Importance of the ingredients we are using.

  • Secret Tips for your healthy hair.

  • Some common FAQs.

Four Steps for Preparation:

Step 1: Acquiring the ingredients.

Your hair oil preparation starts with collecting the best quality required ingredients. Pure and unadulterated coconut oil is a must for preparing the best hair oil as it helps to improve the blood circulation in your scalp area and thereby promoting the hair growth. You can get pure coconut oil locally or from the genuine brands which sell pure & fragrant free oil.

Along with the coconut oil, these are the kitchen and garden ingredients you require to prepare the oil.

  • Fenugreek seeds

  • Red onions

  • Curry leaves

  • Bhringraj leaves

  • Hibiscus flowers

  • Hibiscus leaves

  • Henna leaves

  • Amla

  • Aloe vera

The importance of each ingredient in dealing with hair fall issues is:



Fenugreek seeds

Contains flavonoids and saponins which induce hair growth due to their anti-inflammatory & anti-fungal effects.

Red onions

Contains Sulphur which support strong hair & also promotes collagen production which aids hair growth.

Curry leaves

Contains Vit-B, Vit-C, proteins & anti-oxidants which contribute to cellular regeneration & promotes blood circulation in the scalp.

Bhringraj leaves

Contains Iron, Magnesium, Vit-D, Vit-E which activates the hair follicles, treats dandruff, slows down hair greying.

Hence called King of Hair care products


Contains Amino acids, mucilage fibre which promotes hair growth & gives soft and silky texture.

​​​Henna leaves

Contains tannins & Vit-C which reduce premature graying of hair & softens the hair.


Contains Phytonutrients, Vit-C which increases blood circulation & stimulates hair growth.

Aloe vera

​Contains proteolytic enzymes that break down dead skin cells that may clog hair follicles which effects hair growth.

Step 2: Washing and pre preparation.

You have collected the ingredients & you are half way there in preparing the best oil. Prior to preparation, these are the simple hacks for you to obtain maximum benefits from the hair oil.

  • Wash all the ingredients with water thoroughly to remove any dust and dirt.

  • Sun-dry 8 to 10 sliced Amla fruits, 4 Hibiscus flowers, handful of Hibiscus leaves, Curry leaves, Bhringraj leaves & Henna leaves for a day or two until they become completely dry.

  • Soak half a cup of Fenugreek seeds for one hour & grind them coarsely before starting the preparation.

  • Roughly chop 2 onions into small pieces.

  • Remove the sides of an Aloe Vera & cut them into tiny pieces.

Step 3: Preparing the oil.

Start your oil preparation. Take about a half-litre of pure coconut oil in a heavy bottomed pan and let it boil on low flame. Once it starts boiling, add the dried leaves & chopped ingredients gently into the oil. Let them boil for 30 to 40 mins on low flame until the goodness of the ingredients are absorbed by the oil. Once bubbles appear, you are done.

Step 4: Cool & strain.

Awesome! You are done with the major steps. After boiling for enough time, turn off the flame & let it cool under room temperature. Once it gets cooled, strain the oil in to a glass jar using a cotton cloth. This oil can be stored at room temperature & is extremely effective in treating hair fall issues.

Secret tips for a healthy hair:

  • After transferring oil into a glass jar, add some vetiver roots & fenugreek seeds into the bottle for improving its power and to promote cooling effect.

  • Heat the required amount of oil for 2 mins before applying for increasing its efficacy.

  • Focus on inner health by including more protein in your food & follow a healthy diet & lifestyle.

  • Use rice water as a conditioner after shampooing your hair for getting smooth texture.

  • Manage your stress by including meditation & Yoga in your daily routine as stress is one of the main causes for hair fall.

Easy!! Isn't it? These 4 simple steps will give you a zero-budget best hair oil at home. You can’t get the results overnight. Consistency is the key & use this oil twice or thrice a week for 3 to 5 months to get the best results. This Hair oil when combined with a healthy lifestyle will give you a thick and bouncy hair.


Q. What types of food to be included in diet to get healthy hair?

A. Foods which are rich in Protein, Biotin, Iron and Vit–C are recommended when it comes to combat hair fall.

Q. Is it beneficial to oil hair?

A. Yes. Oiling your hair can increase the blood circulation in your scalp area which helps for regrowth & also makes your hair smooth, soft & gives shine to the hair.

Q. How frequently should we oil our hair?

A. Oiling the hair twice or thrice in a week can actually help to stimulate the hair follicles. It is recommended to apply the oil in the night or at least an hour before having your hair wash.

Q. How to store homemade hair oils?

A. Store the hair oils in a dark bottle & keep it in a cool place.

Save and share the content, follow the tips & yes, you are going to acquire a beautiful hair. Comment and let me know the results. Have a happy hair.

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