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Humans, humans and humans again! This time in space, enjoying the gain. The saying that humans can achieve anything is proven again by cultivating plants in the space. In the vast celestial field, we are able to create the yield. Yes, our scientists started space farming to meet the needs of food grains for cosmonauts and they have succeeded. Even in the zero gravity, agriculture has founded its entity. The process has not been a cakewalk, but it took several years to experiment on the necessary conditions and finally space farming has emerged. Space farming is encouraged on Mars as its environment supports plant growth and on International Space Station [ISS] as it has useful bacteria for farming.

Methylobacterium ajmailii: Bacterium on ISS.

The bacteria which is useful for cultivating plants in space station is discovered by University of Hyderabad & NASA making Mars as a cultivational casa! Generally, plants use Nitrogen, phosphate and potassium to grow. But in space where there is a zero-gravity environment without any elements, it is the Methylobacterium ajmailii bacteria which supports plant growth. The genes present in the bacteria have a capacity to kill harmful creatures that attack plants. With discovery of the importance of this bacterium, space farming has found its way to success.


For the space farming, scientists have selected Mars and our space station to grow the plants. After finding the minerals in trace amounts, they started with cultivating potatoes, flowers and leafy vegetables. And now, they have decided to start cultivating Red Chilly. They have used Mexican Hutch type chilly for cultivating. The seeds entered space station in June, 2021 through a service called ‘Space X commercial’. Science carrier is the device in which chilly is cultivated. and it takes four months to harvest it. The success rate is 50% as of now,

O scientists, take a bow!

Benefits of space farming.

Though it is difficult to cultivate plants in space, it has many benefits too. It can meet the diet needs of the cosmonauts. Along with this, space framing shows the following benefits.

  • Generally, the food of an astronaut lacks of vitamins and minerals as the food taken by them is heat treated or freeze dried. So, the space farming can fill that void.

  • Space farming can create imperishable environment as plants can recycle waste water.

  • They can generate oxygen.

  • This cycle can purify the air over there.

  • It aids nutrient recycling.

  • Space farm can turn an artificial ecosystem into a hydrological cycle

  • It helps to increase and maintain the shelf life.


Scientists face a lot of technical challenges while cultivating plants in space as the environment in space is very different to that of Earth. Some of them are discussed below.

  • We all know that; photosynthesis is the phenomenon behind the plant growth which rate is way less on Mars as it has 60% reduced light intensity than earth has.

  • Though Martian soil contains majority of nutrients required for farming, it is lack of Nitrogen which is crucial for growth. Nitrogen fixing bacteria is used to face this challenge.

  • Plants may not experience normal growth due to less light and hence directional light should be provided to ensure their growth.

  • Radiation, a severe concern for plant cultivation in space. High radiation levels can affect the plant growth by damaging its DNA. Hence much protection is necessary as it is very difficult to employ greenhouses over there.

  • Hypobaric condition is yet another challenge faced by the scientists as it may lead to lower photosynthetic rate and evapotranspiration. Low pressure conditions may affect plant growth. So, higher carbon dioxide levels are maintained to balance the pressure.

What do you think? Humans with a great vision and dedication made the impossible possible, right! The success of space farming has given a hope of life on another planet. Hence, we can be called, Guardians of the Galaxies!

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Sugar! Sugar! Sugar! How nice it is to even read or write this name!? It is such an addiction. From starting our day with a sugar packed coffee to ending our day with a delightful sorbet, we all are addicted to the refined sugar since childhood. Is it really adding that sweetness to our life? Not at all. It is as dangerous as a drug. You will quit the refined sugar instantly after knowing the harm that is doing to your body.

It is the usage of chemicals like Sulphur, Calcium hydroxide & Phosphoric acid in the process of manufacturing the refined sugar which is making it nutrition less and moreover turning it into a modern-day evil spirit for health.

In this blog we will discuss,

  • The process through which the sugar is affecting our body.

  • Ten serious health concerns due to the consumption of sugar.

  • Healthier alternatives for refined sugar.

  • Secret tips & tricks to quit sugar.


Glycation is a chemical reaction where the sugar binds to the hemoglobin, amino groups of protein & lipids to form perilous Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs). Whenever we consume excess sugar, it gets attached to the red blood cells (RBC) in our body making them rigid & sticky to pass through the capillaries. The flexible nature of RBC which plays a key role to carry oxygen & collect carbon dioxide from the tissues gets affected which leads to several health worsening conditions.

Ten Health worsening facts:

1. Diabetes & Gangrene.

Are you that person who adds sugar filled desserts, candies and sorbets in your daily routine? Then this information is for you. Excessive consumption of Sugar leads to type 2 Diabetes which causes the blood sugar spikes and leads to dangerous conditions like Gangrene. Due to the Glycation, the attached sugar molecules to the red blood cells makes them rigid to reach tiny capillaries. As it is the RBC that should carry oxygen to the tissues and organs, damaging them may lead to deprivation of oxygen which causes pain and numbness, burning sensation in toes and finger tips which may lead to Necrosis and Gangrene. The body turns into a home for pathogens which can survive in environment with low oxygen levels & may cause severe infections in the body. How sad it is!

2.Diabetic Retinopathy & Cataract.

Take care of your eyes man! Immoderate levels of sugar intake can affect your eyes too. Shocking!? There is a saying that ‘of all sensory organs, eyes are the most important’. But your eyes get damaged due to the sugar. It is the RBC that should supply blood to nerves of the eye which when damaged due to glycation sabotages the tissues and blood vessels of eyes leading to Diabetic Retinopathy. It includes vision problems and can lead to blindness at times. High blood sugar levels can alter the structure of lens in your eye & may increase the chance of developing Cataract. That white crystal can darken your vision! Oh my God!

3. Deteriorates Oral health.

Who don’t love desserts? Especially after having lunch or dinner, satisfying our sweet tooth feels like heaven. But the sugar in that dessert can actually deteriorate your teeth and worsens your oral health. After having the foods that contain sugars, the sugar moieties integrate with saliva and bacteria in your mouth which leads to plaque on teeth. The enamel of your teeth gets dissolved and may cause cavities in the gums. You have a beautiful smile which can be ruined by sugar. Scary right?!

4. Ageing of skin.

Youthful and Flawless Skin! Do you love this word & dreaming for a youthful skin? Everyone’s dream is to have a healthy skin irrespective of the age. Especially, women! They love youthful skin which can actually make them look younger. But do you know, that sugar is removing that glow from your skin? Yes! Sugar is one of the worst enemies for your skin. It breaks down the collagen and elastin in your skin and brings that ageing. Collagen is one of the most important proteins in your body which is responsible for the tightness of skin. Glycation can literally kill the collagen which leads to wrinkles, acne, and can pull out your skin complexion. Nightmare!

5. Insomnia

Do you love to have an undisturbed 8-hour sleep? The energy after having that complete sleep is unmatchable & priceless, right! But, extreme amount of sugar consumption can disturb the quality of your sleep which leads to numerous health problems. Whenever there is a spike in blood sugar levels, Insulin comes to the rescue and drop down the blood sugar. The release of Insulin accelerates the production of various stress hormones like Adrenaline and cortisol. They can interrupt the production of melatonin which is very important for a sound sleep. A disturbed sleep can affect you physically & mentally. Sugar destroys everything. Gosh!


Food is an emotion, right? And also, food is one of the five basic needs for human beings. It can be a medicine or toxin depending up on the quantity we consume. More intake of sugar triggers pancreas to release more insulin. This compels the sugar which is stored in the form of glucose that is present in the blood to enter cells. This leads to depletion of glucose levels in your blood and generates hunger which is followed by an excessive eating that accelerates weight gain. This cycle continues which coaxes obesity. Savage!

7. Ruins Heart health.

Heart is a crucial part of human body. Any difficulty in its function can result to serious health complications. Consumption of Sugar can ruin your heart health by promoting chronic inflammation which leads to stress on heart and blood vessels. This can cause heart strokes.

And also, Glycation causes red blood cells to release iron from them which interferes with oxygen in your body which creates rusting that can make mini holes in arteries resulting in clotting. Brutal!

8. Damages Kidneys.

Kidneys are pivotal organs of human body. They are composed of millions of tiny filters called nephrons. High blood sugar levels cause glycation which can damage the blood vessels in your kidneys and nephrons thereby resulting in their malfunctioning. Alarming!

9. Makes you lethargic.

I hate being lazy, because they create comfort zones. Is that the same feeling with you? Being lazy and feeling lethargic all the day is a big obstacle for being productive. Immense intake of sugar is responsible for less production of erythropoietin which declines the production of red blood cells by kidneys and bone marrow. It leads to anemia. This condition is responsible for several health issues like dizziness, headache, irregular heartbeat, tiredness and makes you feel lethargic all the time. Spine chilling!

10. Depression and Alzheimer’s.

Mental health is as important as physical health. Mental illness can ruin the lives at times. Sad truth is that sugar can affect your wellbeing. Elevated blood sugar levels spikes insulin production which increases the generation of stress hormones. They are the reason behind your mood and behavioural changes causing depression and anxiety. Alteration of insulin levels also leads to Alzheimer’s disease as brain’s ability to metabolize the sugar decreases. Depressing!

Healthier alternatives for sugar.

Quit that sugar today. So, should we give up on desserts? Can’t we satisfy our sweet tooth? Not at all. Thankfully there are many healthier alternatives available for sugar. Here is the list.



Jaggery powder

It is a natural blood purifier, increases metabolism, detoxes liver.


Rich in anti-oxidants, promotes cooling effect.


Zero calorie sweetener.

Dates sugar

Rich in fibre, vitamins & minerals.

Thread Mishri

Rich in dietary fibre, Calcium & Magnesium, increases hemoglobin.

Coconut Sugar

Easily digestible, Rich in Zinc, Calcium, iron & Potassium.

Secret tips & tricks to quit sugar.

There is a saying that “If you can control what you eat, you can control everything else”, because hunger is the first element of self-discipline. It is a bit difficult to quit sugar which has been attached so much to us in our daily lives. Everything is difficult at first, right? But there are some tricks and tips to quit sugar.

  • Practice mindfulness.

  • Increase protein content in your food which keeps your tummy full for more time as it takes more time to get digested.

  • Switch to healthier alternatives.

  • Experiment on yourself. Quit sugar for 21 days to notice the wonderful changes that are happening to your body.

  • Include more fruits and fresh vegetables in your diet.

  • Get facts of how the intake of sugar destroys your health.

  • Try sugar free recipes.

You are going to follow these tips and yes, you are half a way there in the process of quitting sugar. Have a sugar free life!

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Cucukoo Cucukoo! We wake up to that annoying alarm echo every morning. We rush into the world of social media and accept all the negative energy. We finish our morning responsibilities without any sort of interest. We ingest our breakfast while scrolling our mobile. We head up to the work with a pessimistic aura or we end up staying without any vision towards future and being demotivated all the time. This mechanical morning routine can affect our mental health a lot.

I am a night owl. I used to stay late in nights that actually ruined my health. Soon after knowing the importance of morning energy, I inculcated a healthy morning routine which has actually transformed my life. At beginnings, I’ve felt it extremely difficult to build a morning routine. But, on practice, I am now a happy morning person.

There are certain morning habits which when inculcated can actually transform our lives and makes you a better soul. These habits can make you productive and gives you a well-organized tomorrow.

In this blog we are going to discuss:

  • Morning habits that can change our life.

  • Benefits of that habits.

  • Tips to build a productive morning routine.

Habits to inculcate:

No digital Aura.

We are obsessed with social media. As soon as waking up, we check our mobiles. Positive reactions & comments make us happy while negative reactions disappoint us. Those comments, blue ticks and last seen are deciding our emotions today & influencing our mental health. Quit binding to social media as the initial thing in your morning. No digital aura should be encouraged at least for the first few hours. Inculcate the habit of staying away from those social media mornings. Don’t allow any unpleasant energy to alter your emotions. This habit can give you the below benefits.

  • Gives you a positive energy in the mornings.

  • Helps to build a productive morning routine.

  • Can make you emotionally stable.

  • Offers you a peaceful and fresh mind to welcome your day.

Sun salutations and Workouts.

Do you know the importance of sun salutations? If not, then read this. In Hatha Yoga, Sun salutations are referred as the important rituals for maintaining good health. It harmonizes the movements of your body with the breath. Practicing Sun salutations or including physical exercises in your morning routine gives you the following benefits.

  • Helps in weight loss.

  • Tones your body posture.

  • Strengthens muscles and joints.

  • Energizes your body.

  • Improves skin complexion.

  • Reduces stress.

  • Improves your quality of sleep.

  • Aids better digestion.

Take a Lemon shower.

Are you a coffee person? Do you love to have that strong bed coffee in your mornings? Unfortunately, it is not a great morning habit. Then, what is going to help you? Let’s discuss.

It feels so relaxed after having a good shower, right? It cleanses your entire skin. Likewise, having lukewarm lemon water for the first thing in the morning is similar to experiencing an internal shower and is highly beneficial. Being a rich source of vit-C, lemons are very useful for your health. When consumed on an empty stomach, it gives the following favors.

  • Fights with acne.

  • lessens the signs of ageing.

  • Reduces fatty liver.

  • Aids weight loss.

  • Improves immunity.

  • Enhances kidney health.

  • Acts as an excellent fat burner.

  • Vitalizes physical & mental health.

  • Cleanses your every cell.

Calm your mind: Meditation.

Who don’t want a peaceful morning? Our morning vibe can affect our entire day. To build that positive vibe in your mornings, start meditation. Meditation is focusing our mind on a specific thought or activity to improve our concentration and attention. It helps to achieve a stable and peaceful mind. They are several methods and techniques to meditate. Practicing meditation for 15 to 30 minutes every morning tranquilizes our mind, removes negative aura and energizes your brain. There are seven stages in meditation which we can achieve by practicing it everyday. Including meditation in our daily routine gives you following benefits.

  • Heals illness.

  • Strengthens your immune system.

  • Your cells get oxygenated.

  • Flushes Negative energy.

  • Clears depression.

  • Treats anxiety disorders.

  • Helps to control emotions.

Mental Exercise: Reading.

Will you exercise daily for maintaining a good Physical health? Then give an exercise for your mental health too. Reading is one of the best exercises for our mind. A daily habit of reading a book of your favorite genre for 20 to 30 minutes can actually help you to stay motivated, improves your knowledge and communication skills. All the successful people have a habit of reading a book in their morning routine. Start your reading journey today. keep a goal of reading 10 pages a day and it can actually transform your life. You can acquire the following benefits by inculcating the habit of reading a book.

  • Reduces stress.

  • Improves mental health.

  • Keeps you motivated.

  • Helps to learn new things.

  • Improves your communication skills.

  • Knowledge enhancement.

  • Relaxes your mind.

Plan and prioritize.

I love to plan. Are you also the one who is obsessed with planning? It is actually a great morning thing. Plan today to create tomorrow. Planning your day can help you to declutter unnecessary noise from your routine. Plan your to-do things, prioritize your goals for the day, your schedules and everything you want from the day. Organize your day and it will organize your life. There are many planners available in the market or you can customize it by yourself according to your needs.

Tips to build a productive morning routine:

  • Replace your mobile with an alarm clock for alarm. It helps you to stay away from the digital aura in the mornings.

  • Sleep early and at same time every day which sets your biological clock which can make you a happy morning person.

  • Set your night routine for a better sleep which is very important for a productive morning routine.

  • Practice meditation at bedtime which can induce deep sleep and helps you to enjoy a peaceful morning routine,

  • Inculcate habits like walking or workouts for a sound sleep which gives you a healthy morning.

  • Stay away from any gadgets and include reading a book before going to bed which calms your mind.

  • Take no caffeine for about 8 to 10 hours before your sleep time which may ruin your sleep and affects your morning routine.

Now you came to know the importance of morning habits right! So, are you ready to transform your lives by inculcating these habits? According to science, any habit that is followed for 21 days will actually get habituated to you. Start transforming your life from today! Notice the change, come here again and leave your valuable comment. Happy Transformation!

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